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accessible for all!


Münchner Kindl


You, too, are certain to be delighted by Munich

On the following pages, you will find information, on how to organize your stay in Munich to make it as agreeable as possible! Discover Munich barrier-free!

We have double checked all the details, making sure that wheelchair users, persons with walking disabilities, sight impaired, hearing impaired and cognitively impaired, benefit from them. In addition we regularly refresh and update our webpage. However, it so often happens, that opening hours are changed, or bus routes vary. Maybe, you too, have discovered something different or new, which you would like to share with future visitors. We invite you, to send us a note via the "Contact" form.

The most important articles on these pages can also be requested free of charge as a brochure from the
Behindertenbeirat der Landeshauptstadt München
Burgstraße 4
80331 München
Phone +49 (0) 89 233-21 983
Fax +49 (0) 89 233-21 266
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Interesting and accessible destinations all over Bavaria you can find on

Your Tourism Working Group
Disabled Persons Advisory Commitee of the city of Munich