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Schloss Nymphenburg

Address Max-Emanuel-Platz 1, 85764 Oberschleißheim
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 31 58 72-0
Fax +49 (0) 89 / 31 58 72-50
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MVV New and Old castle: Bus 292, 295 Schloss
Castle Lustheim: Bus 292, 295, X201 Lustheim (500 m)
Parking New Palace: 1 space each to the right and left of the entrance, on gravel, access via Effnerstraße/Amigonistraße
Old Palace: 6 spaces on gravel to the right of the main entrancePark: mostly level paths with gravel or large stone paving. 
Access New castle: 5.5 m long ramp to the ground floor with 6% incline, bell 87 cm high, threshold 2 cm, elevator to the upper floor. 2 ramps on the first floor: 80 cm long, 17 % gradient and 180 cm long, 8 % gradient. The narrowest passageway on the upper floor is 80 cm wide.
Old castle: In the passageway to the right of the main entrance, ring the bell at “Kasse”, bell 104 cm high, threshold 2 cm. From the parking lot in Effnerstraße 9, ring the bell at “Kasse”, bell 130 cm high, threshold 2 cm. 2 lifts, door width 80 cm for one lift. Ramp with 20 m length and 9 % gradient. Stair lift with 300 kg load capacity (only with staff). “Cribs from overseas” and "Passion" only via steps. In the museum about the history of East and West Prussia, the narrowest door is 80 cm wide.
Lustheim Castle: only via steps.
WC New castle: barrier free WC on the upper floor, can be accessed from the front and right, left 65 cm.
New castle: barrier free WC on the upper floor, can be accessed from the front and right, left 65 cm.
Old castle: 2 barrier-free WCs on the ground floor: Ladies: front 100 cm, right 85 cm, left 86 cm. Men: same as women, only mirror image.
Open 1.4. - 30.9. Tue-Sun 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.,
1.10. - 31.3. Tue-Sun 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Closed: Monday (except on holidays), 1.1., Shrove Tuesday, 24., 25. and 31.12.
Service New Palace: rental of folding stools. Audio guide also in English.
Video in DGS:
Restaurant “Schlosswirtschaft Schleißheim” in the Old Palace, WC accessible from the front, right and left.

Schloss Schleißheim from outside schleissheim neues schloss eingang.klein

Altes Schloss Schleißheim

schleissheim altes schloss durchgang.klein schleissheim altes schloss eingang.klein

Castle Lustheim:  from outside

Castle Lustheim: bell

Castle Lustheim: mobile stair climbing device