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Giebel des Stadtmuseums

Address Am Olympiapark 2, 80809 München
Phone +49 (0) 1802 / 11 88 22 (0,06 € per call from a German landline)
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
MVV U3, U8, Bus 173, 180, N76 Olympiazentrum
Parking underground parking of the BMW-World
Access Ramps, elevators to all floors except to the „Spindel“: ramps with an incline of 12 %
WC Barrier free WC on level 0 und -1 (accessible from the front, right and left)
Open Tue-Sun 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. (closed Mon and on 24.-26.12., 31.12. and 01.01.)
Service Folding chairs in the exhibition rooms
Blind guests get gloves at the cash desk and are allowed to touch the exhibits
Audio guide only as an app for the own smartphone

BMW-Museum from outside with ramp to the entrance

BMW-Welt: electric door opener at the entrance for wheelchair drivers