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accessible for all!


Giebel des Stadtmuseums

Address Am Bavariapark 5, 80339 München
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 21 79 333
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MVV U4, U5, Bus 53, 134, 153 Schwanthalerhöhe
Parking underground parking Theresie
Access To the museum: ramp (13.5 m long, slope 3%) and automatic door to Hall 1, elevator to the 1st floor.
Lift to the transition between Hall 2 and 3.
Hall 3: Ramp from the outside with 3% incline, especially for lectures. Lift to 1st floor, ramps there with 6 % incline.
Almost all exhibits are accessible for wheelchair users.
WC 2 barrier free WCs at ground level. Hall 1: accessible from the left, on the right 80, in front 104 cm. Hall 3: electric door opener; accessible from the front, right and left.
Open Monday to Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (closed 01.01, Shrove Tuesday, Good Friday, on the 01.05., the 01.11., the 24. – 25.12., and the 31.12.)
Service 2 wheelchairs, 1 walker and 2 strollers for rent at the ticket office
Audioguide in everyday language and more descriptive (actually for children) and with further information for visually impaired visitors

 Verkehrszentrum Halle 1

Verkehrszentrum von außen


Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum: Rampe zum Eingang