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Giebel des Stadtmuseums

Address St. Jakobs-Platz 1, 80331 München
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 23 32 23 70
Fax +49 (0) 89 / 23 32 50 33
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MVV Bus 52, 62 St. Jakobs-Platz, U1, U2, U3, U6, U7, U8, Tram 16, 17, 18, 27, 28, N17, N27, Bus 52, 62, N40, N41, N45 Sendlinger Tor, S1-S8 (coming from central station- exit left to the elevator!), U3, U6, Bus 132 Marienplatz
Parking 1 space Rosental 7, underground parking Oberanger, 3 spaces Rindermarkt in front of "Peter Hahn", 3 spaces Rindermarkt 5
Access Directions. At ground level coming from Oberanger (big metal gate) cross the court yard, on the right, ramp to the entrance, heavy door.
Elevators to all floors, 2 stair lifts (load capacity 340 kg and 300 kg) only with staff.
Gallery "Einwand": 1 step, a mobile ramp will be installed by the staff.
WC Barrier free WC on the ground floor (accessible from the front, the right and the left, Eurolock)
Open Tuesdays to Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., (closed Mondays ). On holidays:
Service 1 wheelchair, 1 walking frame, crutches and folding stools to lend.
Occasionally special guided tours for the blind and sight impaired, please registrate in advance: phone +49 (0) 89 / 23 32 23 67.
Occasionally guided tours with sign language interpreter.
Free audioguides for all permanent exhibitions also in English.
Restaurant/Café: with WC: in the basement (accessible from the front, on the right 85 cm, on the left 85 cm, rope ladder, Eurolock)


Stadtmuseum from outside

Stadtmuseum: barrier-free entrance from Oberanger

Stadtmuseum: ramp to the cash registerStadtmuseum: ramp to permanent exhibition on National Socialism in Munich