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Oktoberfest - Traditionsstand Auf geht's beim Schichtl (Rainer Kunert)

Address Mariahilfplatz, 81541 München
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 233 82 814
Fax +49 (0) 89 / 233 82 800
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MVV Tram 18, N27, Bus 52 Mariahilfplatz, Bus 52, 62 Schweigerstraße, Bus 68, N45 Kolumbusplatz/Humboldtstraße, U1, U2, U7, U8, Bus 58, N45 Kolumbusplatz
Parking 5 spaces Gebsattelstraße at Mariahilfplatz
Access Best access from the west: "Am Neudeck". Best exit to Schweigerstraße/corner of Gebsattelstraße.
Cobblestone pavement and gravel. Path from Schweigerstraße/corner of Gebsattelstraße to the church with flat slabs.
Most of the stands can be reached by a wheelchair. Beer tents with ramps. Car scooter with ramp, hand throttle and steering wheel button. Chain carousel with ramp. Children's carousel with ramp and barrier free WC (accessible from the front, right and left). Not all rides are at every Auer Dult.
WC 1 barrier free WC at each of the two toilet facilities (both accessible from the front, right and left, with euro lock, the staff has a key)
Open Maidult (starts the saturday previous to the 1st of May), Jakobidult (starts the first saturday after the 25.07.), Kirchweihdult (starts the Saturday previous to the third Sunday in October), each, 9 days long Mon-Sun 10:00 a.m - 8:00 p.m., Kirchweihdult 10:00 a.m - 7:00 p.m.



Auer Dult: Karussell vor Mariahilfkirche Auer Dult: Bierzelt mit Rampe Auer Dult: Stand mit gebrannten Mandeln

chairoplane with ramp