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Badespass der Elefanten im Zoo (T. Angermayer)

Address Bavariafilmplatz 7, 82031 Grünwald
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 64 99-20 00
E-mail, WEB „Contact Us“ on
MVV Tram 25 Bavariafilmplatz (800 m, exit onto the street, therefore not suitable with a rollator or walking aid!)
Parking 5 parking spaces for disabled people on the premises. With blue parking card free of charge, parking chip at the cash desk.
Access Ground-level. The elevator in the "Bullyversum" is 95 cm wide, load capacity 500 kg, only with staff.
WC 2 barrier free toilets: behind the cash desk (front 110 cm, right 79 cm, left handle cannot be folded up) and in the "Bullyversum" (accessible from the right, front 138 cm, left 40 cm)
Service At the cash desk you can rent wheelchairs, walkers and canes with seating.
Guided tours for wheelchair users, also in English.
4 D-Movies: movable seats with 6 steps, placesow. Submarine for wheelchair users only accessible at the end and in the middle (ramp 1 m wide, 2 handrails, 19 % gradient).
The coulisse of the "Münchner Straße" has cobblestone pavement.
At the cash desk you can borrow 2 inductive hearing loops.
Some rooms, especially in the "Bullyversum", are dimly lit, therefore sight impaired visitors should bring a torch light.
Assistance dogs are allowed, except in the 4D cinema.
Audioguide: free "Hearonymus App" , keyword "Bavaria Filmstadt Führung" (in English)


Bavaria Film: Eingang


Bavaria Film: cash desk