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accessible for all!

Badespass der Elefanten im Zoo (T. Angermayer)

Address Weißenburger Straße 10, 81667 München
Phone +49 (0) 176 63 88 03 17
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MVV S1-S8, Tram 25 Rosenheimer Platz
Parking 1 space Weißenburger Straße 12, 1 space Lothringer Straße 1
Access Please indicate when booking if you are a wheelchair user. The staff will set up a ramp at the entrance.
WC No barrier free WC. Nearest WC in the “Spicery” Mon-Sun 5.00 p.m. -12.00 p.m. (accessible from the right and left, 130 cm at the front)
Tickets, phone and e-mail see above. Please register persons in wheelchairs in advance!