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accessible for all!


Showcase at Marienplatz (H. Gebhardt)

Address Thomas-Dehler-Straße 10, 81737 München in Perlacher Einkaufspassagen pep (shopping center)
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 21 09 43 74
E-mail Contact form   
MVV U5, U7, Bus 55, 139, 192, 196, 197, 198, 199, N79 Neuperlach Zentrum
Parking Parking structures
5 spaces in front of the main entrance
Access Stepless, the right entrance door has an electric door opener, elevators, ramps with an incline of 5 %
WC Barrier free WC in the basement (level Y. Eurolock. Accessible from the front, right and left) and the 1st floor (level C. Accessible from the front and left, right grab handle cannot be folded up)
Open Mon-Sat 9.30 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.
Service 1 wheelchair to lend, please order in advance, phone +49 (0) 89 / 67 33 91 17
Large changing rooms with handholds on the ground floor (level A) and basement (level Y)

Primark: changing room for wheelchair users