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Giebel des Stadtmuseums

Address Maximilianstraße 42, 80538 München
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 21 01 36 100
Fax +49 (0) 89 / 21 01 36 247
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MVV U4, U5, Tram 16 Lehel
S1-S8, Tram 16, N17 (Tram: exit onto the street, therefore not suitable with a rollator or walking aid!), Bus 132 Isartor
Tram 16, 19, 21, N17, N19 Maxmonument (exit onto the street, therefore not suitable with a rollator or walking aid!)
Parking 2 spaces opposite Knöbelstraße 8, 2 spaces in front of the main entrance, driveway from Adelgundenstraße
Access Via the back entrance of the building in Knöbelstraße, please ring (the bell is 80 cm high). Then use elevators.
WC Barrier free WCs in the basement (accessible from the front and right, wash-bassin only outside the WC) and on the 1st floor (accessible from the front, left and right)
Open Tue - Sun  9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (closed on Shrove Tuesday, Good Friday, May Day, Corpus Christi, 1.11., 24., 25. and 31.12., open on all the other holidays)
Service Blind people are allowed to touch the exhibits.
1 Wheelchair and folding chairs to lend.
Audioguide (only in German) for the departments "Orient" and "Africa".
Café (counter over 4 steps without handrail)
Guided tours: phone +49 (89) 210 136 -137 / -146, E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

museum 5 kontinente aussen.klein

Museum für Völkerkunde: Eingang für Rollstuhlfahrer