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Badespass der Elefanten im Zoo (T. Angermayer)

Address At the eastern riverside of the river Isar
MVV Luitpoldbrücke: Bus 100 Reitmorstraße/Sammlung Schack
Maxililianbrücke: Tram 16, 19, N17, N19 Maxmonument (exit onto the street, therefore not suitable with a rollator or walking aid!)
Ludwigsbrücke: S1-S8 (no elevator!), Tram 16, N17 (Tram: exit onto the street, therefore not suitable with a rollator or walking aid!), Bus 132 Isartor
Corneliusbrücke: Bus 52, 62 Schweigerstraße
Reichenbachbrücke: U1, U2, U7, Tram 16, 18, N17, N27 (Tram: exit onto the street, therefore not suitable with a rollator or walking aid!), Bus 132 Fraunhofer Straße
Wittelsbacher Brücke: Bus X98 (only on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), 58, 68, 132, N45 Baldeplatz, Tram 16, 19, N17, N19 Maxmonument (exit onto the street, therefore not suitable with a rollator or walking aid!)
Brudermühlbrücke: U1, Bus X98 (only on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), 52, 54 Candidplatz
Thalkirchner Brücke: U3, Bus 135 Thalkirchen (Tierpark)
Parking Normal spaces around the bridges, German Museum, Zoo
WC Eduard-Schmid-Straße 36 (between Wittelsbacher und Reichenbach Bridge. Accessible from the front, right an left)
Changig place with a height-adjustable bench and a lift at the raft site
1 larger chemical WC without grab handles in the nursery garden north of the bridge Braunauer Eisenbahnbrücke and south of the bridge Brudermühlbrücke
Access North of the Reichenbach bridge ramp with 6 % incline to the North of the Reichenbach bridge ramp with 6 % gradient to the east bank, from the ramp to the Isar coarse gravel.
Trails with gravel and inclines up to 12 % at the bridges to the bicycle path at the east bank. The bicycle path is asphalted and well accessible.

Tactile and scent garden in the nursery garden north of the bridge Braunauer Eisenbahnbrücke

Kiosks at the Wittelsbacherbrücke, the Braunauer Eisenbahnbrücke and the Thalkirchner Brücke

Work of art "Bridge Sprout" until 31.12.2021: on the pavement of Wittelsbacherstraße near the Wittelsbacherbrücke (MVV: Tram 16, 19, 31, N19 Maxmonument)

Upper part of the ramp at the Reichenbachbrücke (Quelle: Christian Werner)Lower part of the ramp at the Reichenbachbrücke (source: Christian Werner) Isar

Isar: Bridge Sprout Isar: Bridge Sprout: view up the river