Low emission zone
Within the Mittlerer Ring, your vehicle must comply with the EU emissions standard: a green sticker is required and diesel vehicles must comply with at least Euronorm 5/V.
Owners of the Blue Badge coming from these countries https://www.itf-oecd.org/member-countries have free passage.
Parking in town
Parking in the center is usually difficult. Parking spaces in large areas of the city are partially or mainly reserved for the local residents. Owners of the Blue Badge coming from these countries https://www.itf-oecd.org/member-countries are allowed to park anywhere. Non owners should take the signs, on the side of the streets, into account.
Park & Ride-Facilities, Parking Areas, Parking Structures, Underground Parkings
In some car parks and underground garages owners of the Blue Badge are allowed to park for free or reduced, for example in the culture center Gasteig (currently closed), the shopping centers pep and OEZ and at the airport. Ask the concierge or press the info button on the parking machines.
Parking spaces for disabled people on the side of the streets
You will find an overview of the parking spaces for disabled people here www.muenchen.de/dienstleistungsfinder/muenchen/1063832/n0/.
For each of the entries in this portral, the nearest handicapped parking spaces are indicated.